Samsung Galaxy S8

Samsung buried the name Bixby within a local privacy page, practically confirming the name of the voice-based virtual assistant that we expect to see in the Galaxy S8. This isn’t the primary time we see evidence that links Bixby to Samsung’s assistant innovations, however it’s the primary time Samsung has truly used it in its documentation. From the sounds of it, Bixby could either be a huge game-changer for the mobile market or a complete disappointment.

“Depending on your model and region, you may be ready to tell your Mobile Device to activate certain functions, like playing songs from a playlist or trying up for one thing on the web using S Voice,” the translation of the paragraph in question reads. “In addition to it, you will be ready to control all the operations created with the bit interface exploitation voice commands with Bixby.”

Obviously, Samsung wouldn’t need to spill the beans on Bixby just yet. however it sounds like Bixby will coexist with S Voice, the uninteresting voice assistant that’s already offered on Galaxy devices.

The translation seems to imply that Bixby will be ready to handle everything you can do on the phone using the touch-based interface. If true, and betting on how advanced Bixby is, that could mark an enormous improvement over what different assistants can do.

On the other hand, the fact that S Voice will live as an independent element might be somewhat confusing, particularly if some commands will be restricted to S Voice and others to Bixby. It’s hard enough to manage one virtual assistant.

One different factor to consider, that’s not addressed by this policy, is that S Voice and Bixby will compete directly against Google’s search-based Assistant that is also expected to run on all android 7.0 nougat handsets that launch this year.

Does this mean we’ll have three assistants to worry regarding on the Galaxy S8? Samsung will seemingly justify it all during its March 29th Galaxy S8 media event.



