How To speed up your 3G connection

The fastest way to get information about any topic is internet but with slow data connection we can not browse or download  properly our any information. It’s a real put off that’s why we are not able to download our favourite content. Now, we are going to tell you how can you improve your speed of 3G connection with some easy steps.

Keep reading to improve your internet experience and see however you’ll be able to speed your 3G connection.

Download appropriate Browser

One of the best browser  available for android is Google Chrome. It can sync across multiple devices for a seamless internet experience. It help you to remember all our bookmarks and passwords. Chrome needs a more space that’why we suggest a service having saving feature like Opera Max. Its third-party VPN service allow you to save data on social media browsing, video and audio playback, and other things. With it you are able to monitoring all your apps and  to see which app is consuming the most data and conduct your data utilization accordingly. There is another lighter known as Opera Mini.

Clear Your Cache

One of the extensive issue which make your device slow is Cache. Running older version of android is one of the basic issue for all phones. After getting stuff cache make everything slow down about your phone such as internet browsing, downloading etc. So if you want to experience better connectivity clear the cache.

To clear the cache Go To Setting menu>Applications and Select apps you want to clear. To clear the cache of all the apps at once you can install  an cache cleaner app.

Hide Images in Browser

In order expertise internet connection with faster speed you should try to keep browser in  text-only mode. Although all browser applications accessible on Google Play store don’t support this process, but you can find it Settings Menu easily. When you switch your browser to text-only mode, it will keep the pictures from getting stacked. This will help you to expand network speeds quite a bit.

Uninstall memory hogging apps

There are many applications that runs in background and take a lots of space, getting the phone slack. So in order to expertise a better internet speed uninstall all those apps that you don’t use actively.